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Get to Know Us

Revival Architecture Limited is an Architectural Design Studio placed in Liverpool, United Kingdom. 


As a burgeoning studio building an identity, we continually reflect on the clarity and continuity of our designed responses. In the search for meaning through the medium of architecture, we strive to implant our structures deeply into the soil of context. 


We have a dedicated approach to thoughtful and sound expressions of architecture. Our built work spans from urban in-fill and renovations to country homes, medium and large scale public works and projects which rethink landscapes. Early on we developed a clear design process which we carry through all of our work. 


Our studio pursues the development of the discourse through our values and experience in building, collaborations and teachings. Formed by the character of our clients, context and vigilant employment of materials and construction methods, we seek to create spaces that enhance the lives of those who engage with them.

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